ELI grant for short stays in Europe

ELI grant for short stays in Europe

Early career - 2 to 4 weeks - 3000€ max The goal for the candidate will be to be acquainted with the working methods, the medical and scientific organization, and the schemes of care of lymphoma patients in a foreign hemato-oncology department specialized in lymphoma...
ELI grant for short stays in Europe

Bertrand Coiffier Award 2023

The international jury decided to grant 2 Prize Winner in 2023. It will fund a one-year-mobility for Jean Lemoine and Vincent Camus. LYSA (The French Lym, through its Endowment Fund, and ELI have decided to create a prize for young practitioners (clinicians and...
Bertrand Coiffier Award 2022

Bertrand Coiffier Award 2022

The scientific committee of the Bertrand Coiffier Prize designated the 2022 winner at the beginning of July. Côme Bommier’s project at the Mayo Clinic was selected: Endpoints in marginal zone lymphomas: evaluation of a surrogate marker for PFS and assessment of...

Bertrand Coiffier

Le conseil d’administration de ELI a la tristesse de vous faire part du décès du Pr. Bertrand Coiffier survenu le 2 janvier 2019 à l’âge de 71 ans. Bertrand Coiffier a initié et conduit pendant trente ans la recherche en France sur le lymphome. Puis il avait...